If you worked with asbestos and then contracted mesothelioma, even if it was years after the exposure, you experienced occupational exposure. "Occupational exposure" means that you were exposed to the agent that caused your mesothelioma - usually the toxic mineral asbestos in its insulation and fireproofing forms. If the lawyer determines that your case is sound and will probably recover some monetary compensation and damages, he will then file a complaint and summons suing the appropriate parties for the exposure leading up to mesothelioma.Litigation is a long and confusing process. When you contact a lawyer about a potential mesothelioma claim, present your medical records and diagnosis.
The other side will probably request your medical records, as well, in order to determine if you had a pre-existing condition or other medical problems that may relieve them of responsibility for your occupational mesothelioma. Since mesothelioma is a disease, an Independent Medical Examiner (IME) will conduct an unbiased medical investigation into your mesothelioma and examine your medical records. The court will set a series of dates for discovery and trial and, if the case does not settle, both parties will begin to work towards building a case.
If your case goes to trial, expect your lawyer to consult with other experts, a trial preparation specialist, multimedia experts who can help present the evidence at trial in the most convincing manner, and witnesses who can bolster your own testimony in your mesothelioma trial. In an effort to avoid the cost and expense of a lengthy jury trial, many states require a mandatory settlement conference (MSC) or arbitration at which both parties sit down for a last-ditch attempt to resolve your complaints.
Do patients usually win mesothelioma lawsuits?
It may seem like a daunting process, but patients do effectively fight and win against employers who have caused them to be exposed to toxic asbestos and its devastating health effects. Often, employers knew of the health dangers of asbestos but did not warn their workers or enable them to work in safe conditions.
Sarah Adams is a freelance writer specialized in writing SEO contents for many companies including www.mesotheliomadiagnosed.com/
choosing a mesothelioma attorney: mesothelioma lawsuit success rate
choosing a mesothelioma attorney: mesothelioma resources
Article Source: www.articlesnatch.com
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